FEgrow: An Open-Source Molecular Builder and Free Energy Preparation Workflow

Authors: Mateusz K Bieniek, Ben Cree, Rachael Pirie, Joshua T. Horton, Natalie J. Tatum, Daniel J. Cole

  • Add chemical functional groups (R-groups) in user-defined positions

  • Output ADMET properties

  • Perform constrained optimisation

  • Score poses

  • Output structures for free energy calculations


This notebook demonstrates the entire FEgrow workflow for generating a series of ligands with a common core for a specific binding site, via the addition of a user-defined set of R-groups.

These de novo ligands are then subjected to ADMET analysis. Valid conformers of the added R-groups are enumerated, and optimised in the context of the receptor binding pocket, optionally using hybrid machine learning / molecular mechanics potentials (ML/MM).

An ensemble of low energy conformers is generated for each ligand, and scored using the gnina convolutional neural network (CNN). Output structures are saved as pdb files ready for use in free energy calculations.

The target for this tutorial is the main protease (Mpro) of SARS-CoV-2, and the core and receptor structures are taken from a recent study by Jorgensen & co-workers.

import prody
from rdkit import Chem

import fegrow
from fegrow import RGroups, RLinkers

Prepare the ligand template

The provided core structure lig.pdb has been extracted from a crystal structure of Mpro in complex with compound 4 from the Jorgensen study (PDB: 7L10), and a Cl atom has been removed to allow growth into the S3/S4 pocket. The template structure of the ligand is protonated with Open Babel:

!obabel sarscov2/lig.pdb -O sarscov2/coreh.sdf -p 7
1 molecule converted

Load the protonated ligand into FEgrow:

init_mol = Chem.SDMolSupplier('sarscov2/coreh.sdf', removeHs=False)[0]

# get the FEgrow representation of the rdkit Mol
template = fegrow.RMol(init_mol)

Show the 2D (with indices) representation of the core. This is used to select the desired growth vector.

template.rep2D(idx=True, size=(500, 500))

Using the 2D drawing, select an index for the growth vector. Note that it is currently only possible to grow from hydrogen atom positions. In this case, we are selecting the hydrogen atom labelled H:40 to enable growth into the S3/S4 pocket of Mpro.

attachment_index = [40]

Optional: insert a linker

We have added a library of linkers suggested by Ertl et al. If you wish to extend your R groups selection via a linker, select them below. :1 is defined to be attached to the core (there exists a mirror image of each linker i.e. :1 & *:2 swapped).

Linkers combinatorially augment chosen R groups, so if you choose 2 linkers and 3 R groups, this will result in 6 molecules being built.

# get linkers programmatically
df = RLinkers.dataframe
api_linkers = [ df.loc[df['Name']=='R1CR2']['Mol'].values[0], df.loc[df['Name']=='R1NR2']['Mol'].values[0] ]

# or pick linkers from the grid
grid_linkers = RLinkers.get_selected()

# use grid linkers
linkers = grid_linkers + api_linkers

# create just one template merged with a linker
templates_with_linkers = fegrow.build_molecules(template, linkers, attachment_index)

# visualise:
# note that the linker leaves the second attachement point prespecified (* character)
templates_with_linkers.rep2D(idx=True, size=(500, 500))
Rgroup atom index <rdkit.Chem.rdchem.QueryAtom object at 0x7f4e74146080> neighbouring <rdkit.Chem.rdchem.Atom object at 0x7f4e7091c6a0>
Rgroup atom index <rdkit.Chem.rdchem.QueryAtom object at 0x7f4e7091ca00> neighbouring <rdkit.Chem.rdchem.Atom object at 0x7f4e7091c8e0>

Select RGroups for your template

R-groups can be selected interactively or programmaticaly.

We have provided a set of common R-groups (see fegrow/data/rgroups/library), which can be browsed and selected interactively below.

Molecules from the library can alternatively be selected by name, as demonstrated below.

Finally, user-defined R-groups may be provided as .mol files. In this case, the hydrogen atom selected for attachment should be replaced by the element symbol R. See the directory manual_rgroups for examples.

# retrieve the interactively selected groups
interactive_rgroups = RGroups.get_selected()

# you can also directly access the built-in dataframe programmatically
groups = RGroups.dataframe
R_group_ethanol = groups.loc[groups['Name']=='*CCO']['Mol'].values[0]
R_group_cyclopropane = groups.loc[groups['Name'] == '*C1CC1' ]['Mol'].values[0]

# add your own R-groups files
R_group_propanol = Chem.MolFromMolFile('manual_rgroups/propan-1-ol-r.mol', removeHs=False)

# make a list of R-group molecule
selected_rgroups = [R_group_propanol, R_group_ethanol, R_group_cyclopropane] + interactive_rgroups
[<rdkit.Chem.rdchem.Mol at 0x7f4e74105420>,
 <rdkit.Chem.rdchem.Mol at 0x7f4e98be2560>,
 <rdkit.Chem.rdchem.Mol at 0x7f4e98ba9de0>]

Build a congeneric series

Now that the R-groups have been selected, we merge them with the ligand core:

# we can either use the original template (so no linker)
# in this case we have to specify the attachment index
rmols = fegrow.build_molecules(template, selected_rgroups, attachment_index)

# or we can use the template merged with the linker
# in which case the attachement point is not needed (R* atom is used)
# rmols = fegrow.build_molecules(templates_with_linkers, selected_rgroups)
Rgroup atom index <rdkit.Chem.rdchem.QueryAtom object at 0x7f4e70970640> neighbouring <rdkit.Chem.rdchem.Atom object at 0x7f4e70970160>
Rgroup atom index <rdkit.Chem.rdchem.QueryAtom object at 0x7f4e70970280> neighbouring <rdkit.Chem.rdchem.Atom object at 0x7f4e70970be0>
Rgroup atom index <rdkit.Chem.rdchem.QueryAtom object at 0x7f4e70970640> neighbouring <rdkit.Chem.rdchem.Atom object at 0x7f4e70970c40>
Smiles Molecule
0 [H]c1nc([H])c(-n2c([H])c(-c3c([H])c([H])c([H])...
1 [H]OC([H])([H])C([H])([H])c1c([H])c(Cl)c([H])c...
2 [H]c1nc([H])c(-n2c([H])c(-c3c([H])c([H])c([H])...

The R-group library can also be viewed as a 2D grid, or individual molecules can be selected for 3D view (note that the conformation of the R-group has not yet been optimised):


You appear to be running in JupyterLab (or JavaScript failed to load for some other reason). You need to install the 3dmol extension:
jupyter labextension install jupyterlab_3dmol

<py3Dmol.view at 0x7f4e70932020>

Once the ligands have been generated, they can be assessed for various ADMET properties, including Lipinksi rule of 5 properties, the presence of unwanted substructures or problematic functional groups, and synthetic accessibility.

MW HBA HBD LogP Pass_Ro5 has_pains has_unwanted_subs has_prob_fgs synthetic_accessibility Smiles Molecule
0 441.918 5 0 5.880 True False False True 7.634562 [H]c1nc([H])c(-n2c([H])c(-c3c([H])c([H])c([H])...
1 427.891 5 1 4.626 True False False True 7.501563 [H]OC([H])([H])C([H])([H])c1c([H])c(Cl)c([H])c...
2 423.903 4 0 5.969 True False False True 7.482970 [H]c1nc([H])c(-n2c([H])c(-c3c([H])c([H])c([H])...

For each ligand, a specified number of conformers (num_conf) is generated by using the RDKit ETKDG algorithm. Conformers that are too similar to an existing structure are discarded. Empirically, we have found that num_conf=200 gives an exhaustive search, and num_conf=50 gives a reasonable, fast search, in most cases.

If required, a third argument can be added flexible=[0,1,...], which provides a list of additional atoms in the core that are allowed to be flexible. This is useful, for example, if growing from a methyl group and you would like the added R-group to freely rotate.

                          # flexible=[3, 18, 20])
RMol index 0
Removed 25 duplicated conformations, leaving 26 in total.
RMol index 1
Removed 41 duplicated conformations, leaving 10 in total.
RMol index 2
Removed 40 duplicated conformations, leaving 11 in total.

The protein-ligand complex structure is downloaded, and PDBFixer is used to protonate the protein, and perform other simple repair:

# get the protein-ligand complex structure
!wget -nc https://files.rcsb.org/download/7L10.pdb

# load the complex with the ligand
sys = prody.parsePDB('7L10.pdb')

# remove any unwanted molecules
rec = sys.select('not (nucleic or hetatm or water)')

# save the processed protein
prody.writePDB('rec.pdb', rec)

# fix the receptor file (missing residues, protonation, etc)
fegrow.fix_receptor("rec.pdb", "rec_final.pdb")

# load back into prody
rec_final = prody.parsePDB("rec_final.pdb")
File ‘7L10.pdb’ already there; not retrieving.
@> 2609 atoms and 1 coordinate set(s) were parsed in 0.05s.
@> 4638 atoms and 1 coordinate set(s) were parsed in 0.03s.

View enumerated conformers in complex with protein:


You appear to be running in JupyterLab (or JavaScript failed to load for some other reason). You need to install the 3dmol extension:
jupyter labextension install jupyterlab_3dmol

<py3Dmol.view at 0x7f4e709308e0>

Any conformers that clash with the protein (any atom-atom distance less than 1 Angstrom), are removed.

RMol index 0
Clash with the protein. Removing conformer id: 25
Clash with the protein. Removing conformer id: 22
Clash with the protein. Removing conformer id: 20
Clash with the protein. Removing conformer id: 14
Clash with the protein. Removing conformer id: 11
Clash with the protein. Removing conformer id: 8
Clash with the protein. Removing conformer id: 7
Clash with the protein. Removing conformer id: 6
Clash with the protein. Removing conformer id: 5
Clash with the protein. Removing conformer id: 4
Clash with the protein. Removing conformer id: 3
RMol index 1
Clash with the protein. Removing conformer id: 2
Clash with the protein. Removing conformer id: 0
RMol index 2

You appear to be running in JupyterLab (or JavaScript failed to load for some other reason). You need to install the 3dmol extension:
jupyter labextension install jupyterlab_3dmol

<py3Dmol.view at 0x7f4e7096db70>

The remaining conformers are optimised using hybrid machine learning / molecular mechanics (ML/MM), using the ANI2x neural nework potential for the ligand energetics (as long as it contains only the atoms H, C, N, O, F, S, Cl). Note that the Open Force Field Parsley force field is used for intermolecular interactions with the receptor.

sigma_scale_factor: is used to scale the Lennard-Jones radii of the atoms.

relative_permittivity: is used to scale the electrostatic interactions with the protein.

water_model: can be used to set the force field for any water molecules present in the binding site.

# opt_mol, energies
energies = rmols.optimise_in_receptor(
    water_model = None
RMol index 0
using ani2x
/home/dresio/software/mambaforge/envs/fegrow/lib/python3.10/site-packages/torchani/__init__.py:55: UserWarning: Dependency not satisfied, torchani.ase will not be available
  warnings.warn("Dependency not satisfied, torchani.ase will not be available")
failed to equip nnpops with error: No module named 'NNPOps'
Optimising conformer: 100%|█████████████████████| 15/15 [00:15<00:00,  1.02s/it]
RMol index 1
using ani2x
failed to equip nnpops with error: No module named 'NNPOps'
Optimising conformer: 100%|███████████████████████| 8/8 [00:07<00:00,  1.04it/s]
RMol index 2
using ani2x
failed to equip nnpops with error: No module named 'NNPOps'
Optimising conformer: 100%|█████████████████████| 11/11 [00:08<00:00,  1.33it/s]

Any of the rmols that have no available conformers (due to unresolvable steric clashes with the protein) can be discarded using the .discard_missing() function. This function also returns a list of the indices that were removed, which can be helpful when carrying out data analysis.

missing_ids = rmols.discard_missing()

Optionally, display the final optimised conformers. Note that, unlike classical force fields, ANI allows bond breaking. You may occasionally see ligands with distorted structures and very long bonds, but in our experience these are rarely amongst the low energy structures and can be ignored.

Conformers are now sorted by energy, only retaining those within 5 kcal/mol of the lowest energy structure:

final_energies = rmols.sort_conformers(energy_range=5)
RMol index 0
RMol index 1
RMol index 2

You appear to be running in JupyterLab (or JavaScript failed to load for some other reason). You need to install the 3dmol extension:
jupyter labextension install jupyterlab_3dmol

<py3Dmol.view at 0x7f4e61282ce0>

Save all of the lowest energy conformers to files and print the sorted energies in kcal/mol (shifted so that the lowest energy conformer is zero).

for i, rmol in enumerate(rmols):
ID Conformer
0  0          0.000000
   1          0.000292
   2          0.130588
   3          0.508776
   4          0.509229
   5          1.114966
   6          1.970927
   7          1.972700
   8          2.398551
   9          2.399397
   10         2.406501
   11         2.787855
1  0          0.000000
   1          2.648491
   2          3.030201
   3          4.021199
2  0          0.000000
   1          0.000108
   2          0.000180
   3          0.181695
   4          0.181838
   5          0.181906
   6          0.201162
   7          1.776589
   8          1.776619
   9          1.776679
   10         1.778395

The conformers are scored using the Gnina molecular docking program and convolutional neural network scoring function. [Note that this step is not supported on macOS]. If unavailable, the Gnina executable is downloaded during the first time it is used. The CNNscores may also be converted to predicted IC50 (nM) (see column “CNNaffinity->IC50s”).

affinities = rmols.gnina(receptor_file="rec_final.pdb")
RMol index 0
RMol index 1
RMol index 2
CNNaffinity CNNaffinity->IC50s
ID Conformer
0 0 7.05511 88.082575
1 7.05513 88.078518
2 6.82962 148.040315
3 7.08356 82.497350
4 7.08356 82.497350
5 7.01775 95.995307
6 6.79818 159.154895
7 6.79813 159.173219
8 6.69786 200.511830
9 6.69799 200.451818
10 6.58795 258.255750
11 6.85830 138.579822
1 0 6.57308 267.251407
1 6.67290 212.373341
2 6.73439 184.335932
3 6.52578 298.002563
2 0 6.86908 135.182353
1 6.86911 135.173015
2 6.86918 135.151229
3 6.72789 187.115601
4 6.72768 187.206102
5 6.72774 187.180240
6 6.26276 546.059541
7 6.91413 121.862477
8 6.91413 121.862477
9 6.91410 121.870895
10 6.91403 121.890540

Predicted binding affinities may be further refined using the structures output by FEgrow, using your favourite free energy calculation engine. See our paper for an example using SOMD to calculate the relative binding free energies of 13 Mpro inhibitors.