Source code for fegrow.receptor

from copy import deepcopy
from typing import List, Tuple

import parmed
from openmmforcefields.generators import SystemGenerator
from pdbfixer import PDBFixer
from rdkit import Chem
from rdkit.Geometry.rdGeometry import Point3D
from tqdm import tqdm
from typing_extensions import Literal

from .package import RMol
from openmmml import MLPotential

import numpy

# fix for new openmm versions
    from openmm import app, openmm, unit, Platform
except (ImportError, ModuleNotFoundError):
    from simtk.openmm import app, openmm
    from simtk import unit

from openff.toolkit.topology import Molecule as OFFMolecule

[docs]def fix_receptor(input_file: str, output_file: str, pH: float = 7.0): """ Use PDBFixer to correct the input and add hydrogens with the given pH. :param input_file: The name of the pdb file which contains the receptor. :param output_file: The name of the pdb file the fixed receptor should be wrote to. :param pH:The ph the pronation state should be fixed for. """ fixer = PDBFixer(filename=input_file) fixer.findMissingResidues() fixer.findMissingAtoms() fixer.addMissingAtoms() fixer.addMissingHydrogens(pH) app.PDBFile.writeFile(fixer.topology, fixer.positions, open(output_file, "w"))
def _can_use_ani2x(molecule: OFFMolecule) -> bool: """ Check if ani2x can be used for this molecule by inspecting the elements. """ mol_elements = set([atom.element.symbol for atom in molecule.atoms]) ani2x_elements = {"H", "C", "N", "O", "S", "F", "Cl"} if mol_elements - ani2x_elements: # if there is any difference in the sets or a net charge ani2x can not be used. return False return True def _scale_system( system: openmm.System, sigma_scale_factor: float, relative_permittivity: float ): """ Scale the sigma and charges of the openMM system in place. """ if relative_permittivity != 1: charge_scale_factor = 1 / numpy.sqrt(relative_permittivity) else: charge_scale_factor = 1 forces = { system.getForce(i).__class__.__name__: system.getForce(i) for i in range(system.getNumForces()) } # assuming all nonbonded interactions are via the standard force nonbonded_force = forces["NonbondedForce"] # scale all particle parameters for i in range(nonbonded_force.getNumParticles()): charge, sigma, epsilon = nonbonded_force.getParticleParameters(i) nonbonded_force.setParticleParameters( i, charge * charge_scale_factor, sigma * sigma_scale_factor, epsilon ) ForceField = Literal["openff", "gaff"] def optimise_in_receptor( ligand: RMol, receptor_file: str, ligand_force_field: ForceField, use_ani: bool = True, sigma_scale_factor: float = 0.8, relative_permittivity: float = 4, water_model: str = "tip3p.xml", platform_name: str = "CPU", ) -> Tuple[RMol, List[float]]: """ For each of the input molecule conformers optimise the system using the chosen force field with the receptor held fixed. Args: ligand: The ligand with starting conformers already filtered for clashes with the receptor. receptor_file: The pdb file of the fixed and pronated receptor. ligand_force_field: The base ligand force field that should be used. use_ani: If we should try and use ani2x for the internal energy of the ligand. sigma_scale_factor: The factor by which all sigma values should be scaled relative_permittivity: The relativity permittivity which should be used to scale all charges 1/sqrt(permittivity) water_model: If set to None, the water model is ignored. Acceptable can be found in the openmmforcefields package. platform_name: The OpenMM platform name, 'cuda' if available, with the 'cpu' used by default. See the OpenMM documentation of Platform. Returns: A copy of the input molecule with the optimised positions. """ ligand_force_fields = { "openff": "openff_unconstrained-1.3.0.offxml", "gaff": "gaff-2.11", } platform = Platform.getPlatformByName(platform_name.upper()) # assume the receptor has already been fixed and hydrogens have been added. receptor = app.PDBFile(receptor_file) # receptor forcefield receptor_ff = "amber14/protein.ff14SB.xml" # load the molecule into openff openff_mol = OFFMolecule.from_rdkit(ligand, allow_undefined_stereo=True) forcefields = [receptor_ff] if water_model: forcefields.append(water_model) # now we need to make our parameterised system, make a system generator system_generator = SystemGenerator( forcefields=forcefields, small_molecule_forcefield=ligand_force_fields[ligand_force_field], cache="db.json", molecules=openff_mol, ) # now make a combined receptor and ligand topology parmed_receptor = parmed.openmm.load_topology( receptor.topology, xyz=receptor.positions ) parmed_ligand = parmed.openmm.load_topology( openff_mol.to_topology().to_openmm(), xyz=openff_mol.conformers[0] ) complex_structure = parmed_receptor + parmed_ligand # build the complex system system = system_generator.create_system(complex_structure.topology) # work out the index of the atoms in the ligand assuming the are the last chain? # is this always true if we add the ligand to the receptor? ligand_res = list(complex_structure.topology.residues())[-1] ligand_idx = [atom.index for atom in ligand_res.atoms()] # now set all atom mass to 0 if not in the ligand for i in range(system.getNumParticles()): if i not in ligand_idx: system.setParticleMass(i, 0) # if we want to use ani2x check we can and adapt the system if use_ani and _can_use_ani2x(openff_mol): print("using ani2x") potential = MLPotential("ani2x", platform_name=platform_name) complex_system = potential.createMixedSystem( complex_structure.topology, system, ligand_idx ) else: print("Using force field") complex_system = system # scale the charges and sigma values _scale_system( system=complex_system, sigma_scale_factor=sigma_scale_factor, relative_permittivity=relative_permittivity, ) # propagate the System with Langevin dynamics note integrator note used. time_step = 1 * unit.femtoseconds # simulation timestep temperature = 300 * unit.kelvin # simulation temperature friction = 1 / unit.picosecond # collision rate integrator_min = openmm.LangevinIntegrator(temperature, friction, time_step) # set up an openmm simulation simulation = app.Simulation( complex_structure.topology, complex_system, integrator_min, platform=platform ) # save the receptor coords as they should be consistent receptor_coords = parmed_receptor.positions # loop over the conformers and energy minimise and store the final positions final_mol = RMol(deepcopy(ligand)) final_mol.RemoveAllConformers() energies = [] for i, conformer in enumerate( tqdm(openff_mol.conformers, desc="Optimising conformer: ", ncols=80) ): # now we need to make the ligand coords lig_coords = conformer.value_in_unit(unit.angstrom) # make the vec3 list lig_vec = [openmm.Vec3(*i) for i in lig_coords] * unit.angstrom complex_coords = receptor_coords + lig_vec # write out the starting positions # with open(f"system_start_conformer_{i}.pdb", "w") as outfile: # app.PDBFile.writeFile(complex_structure.topology, complex_coords, outfile) # set the initial positions # Mat: so here is the issue? simulation.context.setPositions(complex_coords) # now minimize the energy simulation.minimizeEnergy() # now write out the final coords min_state = simulation.context.getState(getPositions=True, getEnergy=True) energies.append( min_state.getPotentialEnergy().value_in_unit(unit.kilocalories_per_mole) ) positions = min_state.getPositions(asNumpy=True).value_in_unit(unit.angstrom) final_conformer = Chem.Conformer() for j, coord in enumerate(positions[ligand_idx[0] :]): atom_position = Point3D(*coord) final_conformer.SetAtomPosition(j, atom_position) final_mol.AddConformer(final_conformer, assignId=True) # with open(f"system_min_conformer_{i}.pdb", "w") as outfile: # app.PDBFile.writeFile(complex_structure.topology, min_state.getPositions().value_in_unit(unit.angstrom), outfile) return final_mol, energies def sort_conformers( ligand: RMol, energies: List[float], energy_range: float = 5 ) -> Tuple[RMol, List[float]]: """ For the given molecule and the conformer energies order the energies and only keep any conformers with in the energy range of the lowest energy conformer. Note: This sorting is done on a copy of the molecule. Args: ligand: A molecule instance whose optimised conformers should be sorted. energies: The list of energies in the same order as the conformers. energy_range: The energy range (kcal/mol), above the minimum, for which conformers should be kept. """ copy_mol = RMol(deepcopy(ligand)) copy_mol.RemoveAllConformers() energies = numpy.array(energies) # normalise energies -= energies.min() # order by lowest energy energy_and_conformers = [] for i, conformer in enumerate(ligand.GetConformers()): energy_and_conformers.append((energies[i], conformer)) energy_and_conformers.sort(key=lambda x: x[0]) final_energies = [] for energy, conformer in energy_and_conformers: if energy <= energy_range: copy_mol.AddConformer(conformer, assignId=True) final_energies.append(energy) return copy_mol, final_energies